new tape is finnnally done yaylol
not beisolhof vol 5 but maybe 4.5?
very epic and took alot of energy hee ehee
after the destruction of the moon
the conduit appeared in its wake
an infinite, endless gateway seeping with energy
forcibly ripped open revealing the tendrils of the soulstealer
causing the collapse of a universe
the gatewaygatewaygatewaygwatewyagategate
audio biography of me and rains trek through the hexd landscape and learning the darkest
secrets . certainly one of the best things ever made , me and rain poured our hearts into it
love this tape it is one the only projects i have been a part of that has vocals on every track , and corvus/shimaelok mixing still blows my mind , s/o |||252||| frrr
fogeater bcphantasy star online 2 sound track is very very good so i choppe d it the h*ck up rearranged, remixed , aand added some more yummy drumns mmm and twisted shit
pso2 redux bc